Elective Course Options
MPH@GW allows you to customize your curriculum based on your interests and career aspirations. You may focus your elective courses on any of the public health areas of interest below, or select courses from all elective options to design a more holistic MPH education.
Learn more about the MPH@GW electives courses below:

Examine global environmental and occupational health topics such as reducing the spread of infectious diseases, promoting the health and safety of workers, analyzing the social factors that contribute to healthy communities and leveraging science and research to inform policy.

Study the patterns of disease through research and large-scale surveillance projects and form a deeper understanding of public health trends, using data to improve disease prevention and treatment.

Tackle important global health issues by contributing to the development, implementation and evaluation of policies at the local, national, regional and international levels.

Advance public health objectives by using communication and marketing as strategic tools to influence people, places and environmental conditions.

Develop strategies and solve healthcare issues through the optimization of health IT, information, and related data and business processes that accommodate human behavior.

Improve public health and health services domestically and globally by advancing innovative and effective health policy education, research and service.

Develop, improve and critique public health program plans and evaluations, and become a responsible and productive public health professional.