54 Great Sources for Climate Change News

The topic of climate change is inescapable, as its effects can be felt across all demographics. Children, pregnant people and older adults are at risk from extreme weather and heat. Individuals with allergies breathe a little less easily as the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase the presence of grass pollen, causing allergies in about 20% of people. Researchers have found that the increase in the severity of wild fires in California is associated with climate change.
The many effects of climate change can be overwhelming. In fact, the American Psychological Association released an article describing how climate change can induce stress, depression and anxiety.
To address these concerns head-on, individuals can empower themselves with information about what is happening, what is being done by key stakeholders and how they can contribute to climate change mitigation at the individual level.
Refer to the resources below for the latest climate change news.
Academic Institution or Journal
Organization: Nature Research
Published by Nature Research, Nature Climate Change is a monthly journal “dedicated to publishing the most significant and cutting-edge research on the science of climate change, its impacts and wider implications for the economy, society and policy.” Its original research spans the physical and social sciences while maintaining the scientific integrity and publication standards readers have come to expect from Nature-branded journals. In addition, leading experts publish opinion, analysis and review articles, and they address new developments in research. This format provides a valuable forum for discussion among experts in the climate change sector.
Organization: George Washington University
This project of the Center for Innovative Media at the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University “teaches, celebrates, and rewards environmental storytelling by college students.” Through the use of “storytelling, media and educational events,” Planet Forward aims to “empower new voices and lead a global conversation on the planet’s future.” Formed in 2009 to promote innovative ideas to address food, water, energy and environmental challenges, Planet Forward also serves as the outreach component and innovation research hub of GW’s interdisciplinary sustainability initiative. The site provides an opportunity for writers of various skill levels to contribute to the climate conversation, with an array of instructional tools and guidelines to support contribution efforts. Major topic categories include climate, energy, food, green living, water and more.
For those interested in how climate change is affecting the Arctic, this site is a must read. Contributors to the blog are not only concerned about the impact of such change on the region but also about the impact on the rest of the world. Topics cover issues such as sea ice, permafrost and methane clathrates. In addition to the value of such updates, those less familiar with these subjects will find the pages that provide general background especially helpful.
Climate Science & Policy Watch
In 2005, the Government Accountability Project launched Climate Science Watch as a project geared toward public interest education and advocacy, with a commitment to “holding public officials accountable for using climate research effectively and with integrity in dealing with the challenge of global climate disruption.” Later renamed Climate Science & Policy Watch (CSPW), the current focus is to “assess the actual implementation of the administration’s stated support for a strong climate policy and critique its contradictory behind-the-scenes actions that support accelerated fossil fuel development.” The CSPW blog — a great bookmark for those interested in the intersection of public policy and climate change — serves as a forum for commentary, documentation and reform advocacy related to issues surrounding climate change.
With a tagline of “clearing the PR pollution that clouds climate science,” DeSmog’s articles and research have been highlighted in news outlets including The New York Times, The Guardian, Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Huffington Post. The site notes that even though “an overwhelming majority of the world’s climate scientists” agree that the globe is warming and that the burning of fossil fuels plays a key role, a “well-funded and highly organized public relations campaign is poisoning the climate change debate.” To contradict such dynamics, DeSmog “is here to cry foul — to shine the light on techniques and tactics that reflect badly on the PR industry and are, ultimately, bad for the planet.” Readers interested in doing the same will find value in the resources offered here.
Government Organization
Organization: NASA
Its mission is “to provide the public with accurate and timely news and information about Earth’s changing climate, along with current data and visualizations, presented from the unique perspective of NASA, the world’s leading climate research agency.” Staffed by a team of science advisors and content experts, the site provides insight and analysis unique to the resources at NASA’s disposal.
Organization: USAID
Providing news summaries and posts from the field, Climatelinks serves as a global knowledge portal for USAID staff, implementing partners and others involved at the “intersection of climate change and international development.” By curating and archiving “technical guidance and knowledge related to USAID’s work,” Climatelinks helps countries decrease the effects of climate change and adapt to those changes that do occur. The organization says that it aims for the site to enhance climate change and development programming to make the most of USAID’s efforts for creating a better future: “We hope Climatelinks becomes a place for development practitioners to help identify and refine practices, and to inform USAID’s technical direction in areas of information gaps.”
Organization: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Providing “timely and authoritative information about climate,” NOAA publishes videos, stories, images and data visualizations to “promote public understanding of climate science and climate-related events.” With an aim of creating a “climate-smart” nation, the site emphasizes the links among health, security and economic well-being to the impact of climate and weather. In addition, it provides easy-to-use tools for both the public and professionals working with climate-related issues. Readers will find a variety of resources through the website’s three major sections: News & Features provides the most current information for the public; Maps & Data provides reusable climate maps and datasets for professionals and officials who need climate data to inform decisions or create reports; and Teaching Climate provides learning activities and curriculum materials for educators.
Media Organization
AccuWeather Climate Change Center
Organization: AccuWeather
Known as a reputable source for climate news, The Global Climate Change Center acknowledges that new and continually emerging climate data can be both complex and confusing, and it asserts that “scientific understanding emerges through full consideration of relevant data, appropriate debate and the application of the scientific method.” That’s why its parent organization, AccuWeather, encourages its experts to engage with the public based on their individual perspectives about climate change, rather than aligning with any corporate stance on such topics. Support for such independence makes The Global Climate Change Center a unique source of objective expert analysis. In addition to providing links to the most current climate research, the site offers a forum for public interaction.
CleanTechnica is a cleantech-focused website that explores innovations and technologies to create a more sustainable world. Topics commonly covered by this online publication include solar power, clean transport, wind power, energy efficiency and energy storage, as well as the broader effects of climate change. The site also aims to debunk misconceptions about clean energy and to provide reliable information on the latest breakthroughs in sustainable solutions.
Climate Central is an “independent organization of leading scientists and journalists researching and reporting the facts about our changing climate and its impact on the public.” The Climate Central site “surveys and conducts scientific research on climate change” and then reports important findings to the public. Topics include climate science, energy, sea level rise, wildfires and drought, among others. Though the site is not an advocacy organization and doesn’t support any specific legislative agenda, its staff and board members are “among the most respected leaders in climate science,” with expertise in “communicating climate and weather links, sea level rise, climate modeling, engineering assessments, graphic representations of climate data and other climate science areas.”
Climate Home News is an independent news website that covers a variety of climate change stories. Based in London, the online publication reports on the political, economic, social and natural impacts of climate change across the world. Climate Home News is also a go-to resource for deep-dive coverage of the annual United Nations Climate Change conference.
Organization: E&E News
Touted as “essential news for energy and environment professionals,” E&E News is made up of five daily publications that “deliver original and compelling journalism that keeps top decision-makers in government, business, NGOs and academia informed and ahead of the curve.” Established in 1998, this independently owned news organization has more than 75 reporters and editors in various locations who provide an in-depth look at energy and environment issues around the nation and the world. E&E News attracts subscribers from government entities, energy companies, corporations, environmental groups, universities, law firms and think tanks. The site includes Climatewire, which features the top climate stories from E&E’s newsroom each day.
Organization: Environmental Health News
Established in 2007, The Daily Climate is an independent media organization with two core purposes: “to syndicate quality journalism about climate change to other media outlets, and to provide a daily aggregation highlighting the best news on climate change from around the globe.” It is published every morning and offers a free daily e-letter covering “top news on climate impacts, solutions, politics, drivers.” Readers can efficiently access the most current, essential information related to climate change.
EcoWatch touts itself as an environmental news site that is “leading the charge in using online news in the U.S. to drive fundamental change to ensure the health and longevity of our planet.” The site includes original content from their team of writers and features insights from prominent leaders in the space. EcoWatch also curates content from media partners, bringing even more content to their readers. Topics covered by this outlet include the effects of climate change on wildlife, food supply and public health, as well as the political and economic aspects of these issues.
Environmental Health News (EHN)
This independent news organization provides two types of offerings: articles by EHN journalists that are published at EHN.org and other media outlets and “a unique daily contextualization of articles on environmental health topics published in the world press.” Reviewing nearly 200 news stories, opinions and editorials a day, the EHN team aims “to connect the dots, putting events driving the day’s news in a larger context for our audience and sharing our perspective as reporters with considerable expertise in the field.” Visitors to the site can search for articles in various categories that include toxification, children, water, population, oceans, food and agriculture, energy, climate, air and others.
GreenBiz is an online publication that aims to provide “intelligent, focused content on business, technology and sustainability for people from every industry and discipline.” Established in 1991, the website covers sustainability, transportation, clean energy and other business topics as they relate to the environment. This resource is a good read for individuals whose interests intersect at the topics of business, technology and sustainability.
Grist covers both emerging issues and solutions regarding energy and green living, as well as several other areas. The organization aims to “elevate solutions, expose inequity, and give our readers the context, knowledge, and tools to make a difference.” Although Grist has a Climate and Energy section, all topic categories relate to environmental issues in one way or another. Readers with a sense of humor who are looking for an irreverent-yet-serious approach to important environmental topics will appreciate Grist.
The Guardian’s Climate Change Section
Organization: The Guardian
The U.S. division of The Guardian covers national and international news for an online, global audience. Its team of U.S.-based, award-winning journalists is known for covering important stories such as the whistleblowing disclosures of Edward Snowden, which won a Pulitzer Prize. The Guardian’s climate change section features news and analysis regarding topics related to climate change from around the world, including renewable energy, fossil fees, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change skepticism and carbon tax. The value in this site lies in the organization’s reputation for excellent reporting and its ability to include both national and global perspectives on climate issues.
The Hill’s Energy & Environment Section
Organization: The Hill
Based in Washington, D.C., The Hill provides coverage of breaking policy and political news. The Hill’s energy and environment section includes articles on policy as it relates to topics such as climate change, the environment, clean energy and regulations. This news source is great for individuals who are interested in how politicians are addressing environmental issues.
Organization: PBS
Produced by PBS Digital Studios, Hot Mess is a web series about “how climate change impacts all of us, and about how we can create a better future for our planet and ourselves.” Each episode, ranging from five to 10 minutes, covers an aspect of climate change and provides actionable advice for how individuals can address the issue.
InsideClimate News is “an independent, not-for-profit, non-partisan news organization” staffed by professional journalists. Their mission is to provide “essential reporting and analysis on climate, energy and the environment for the public and decision makers.” Founded in 2007, InsideClimate News continues to cover issues pertaining to clean energy, extreme weather, water supply, international climate agreements, agriculture and environmental science. Their website also offers a large collection of infographics as well as several e-books that cover some of their broader investigations.
Live Science’s Climate Section
Organization: Live Science
Live Science is a news website that covers a multitude of topics from technology and health to wildlife and space and physics. The website’s climate section highlights “the latest climate news with comprehensive articles, interactive features, and climate pictures” with a focus on U.S. and international issues.
Mother Jones’ Environment Section
Organization: Foundation for National Progress
Touting itself as “the only reader-supported, investigative, national news outlet in America,” Mother Jones is often identified as a liberal media outlet. However, the organization says this: “Our only bias is for the truth. When it’s in the public interest, we investigate anyone, regardless of political persuasion. We also have one of the most rigorous fact-checking and verification protocols in the industry.” The online publication conducts independent and investigative reporting on a range of topics, including climate change. The environment section of the Mother Jones website includes the latest news and analysis related to environmental issues — with a no-holds-barred tone that readers in search of authenticity will enjoy.
New Scientist’s Climate Change Section
Organization: New Scientist
New Scientist is a weekly science and technology magazine. The publication’s print edition and website content “cover international news from a scientific standpoint, and ask the biggest-picture questions about life, the universe, and what it means to be human.” The climate change section of the publication includes insightful articles about everything from renewable energy technology to the effects of climate change on humans and wildlife populations.
The New York Times’ Climate and Environment Section
Organization: The New York Times
The New York Times’ comprehensive climate and environment section covers topics such as biofuels, tidal and wave power, natural gas, geothermal, hydro, nuclear, coal, oil, solar and wind. As a trusted national news source, The Times’ coverage of these topics provides readers with access to the most recent news and information about issues related to climate change.
NPR’s Science/Environment Section
Organization: National Public Radio (NPR)
With more than 800 news staff members (including reporters, correspondents, newscasters, editors, producers, hosts and bloggers) in the United States and abroad, NPR has a strong reputation as a multimedia news organization and radio program producer that presents “fact-based, independent journalism that examines and airs diverse perspectives.” With a focus on the narrative form, NPR journalists are known for their ability to tell stories “in ways that transport the audience to the places where news is happening and introducing the people affected.” The science/environment section of NPR’s website features breaking and current news related to the environment in both written and podcast form.
Phys.org’s Earth Science Section
Organization: Phys.org
Phys.org is a news website dedicated to a variety of science-related content. Phys.org’s earth science section features articles on topics relevant to climate change and its effect on people, public health, the economy and global communities. News content is updated daily, making it a great resource for the latest information.
Politico’s Energy & Environment Section
Organization: Politico
Politico is a news source focused on “covering the politics of Capitol Hill, the presidential campaign, and the business of Washington lobbying and advocacy.” Politico’s energy and environment section includes news, analysis and opinions on policy issues related to climate change and clean energy. Readers looking for coverage of political happenings related to climate change and the environment will find this outlet useful.
Science Focus Magazine’s Climate Change Section
Organization: The BBC
Produced by the BBC, Science Focus magazine covers “the latest science news, future tech, and wonders of the natural world.” The Science Focus climate change section includes news coverage of the environmental effects of climate change. While this outlet is based in the United Kingdom, it follows international issues, making it a resource for information on how climate change is affecting communities across the world.
Noting a partiality to “a modern aesthetic,” TreeHugger describes itself as “the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream.” Its aim is to be a “one-stop shop for green news, solutions and product information” by publishing a frequently updated blog as well as weekly and daily newsletters. The Energy section of the TreeHugger website will likely prove the most beneficial to those seeking climate change information because it features experts covering topics that include energy efficiency, energy policy, fossil fuels, renewable energy and more.
The Washington Post’s Climate & Environment Section
Organization: The Washington Post
The climate and environment section of The Washington Post offers an interesting list of categories with related news and analysis on climate change, energy, psychology and behavior, science and endangered species.
The Aspen Institute’s Climate Change Section
Organization: The Aspen Institute
The Aspen Institute is known for its ability to gather diverse groups of nonpartisan thought leaders, creatives, scholars and other stakeholders to address some of the world’s most complex problems. The organization seeks to “provoke, further and improve actions taken in the real world.” Its energy and environment programs seek to create “impartial venues for informed discussion around energy and environmental challenges and solutions.” The climate change section of the website includes articles addressing news, ideas and events related to the impact of climate change on various sectors around the world. Contributors are either experts within the Aspen Institute or within other global organizations.
Organization: Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) is the successor to the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, founded in 1998. The exceptional reputation of the Pew Center as a nonpartisan environmental think tank providing information and analysis offers a strong foundation for C2ES to continue its work. The Climate Compass Blog covers a wide range of climate change topics and is authored by C2ES staff members with expertise in areas from public policy to environmental science to economics.
Organization: Environmental Defense Fund
Climate 411 provides commentary from experts to experts on “the science, law and economics of climate change and clean air.” The experts featured include scientists, policy specialists and attorneys. The Environmental Defense Fund addresses “urgent threats with practical solutions,” making use of science and economics to do it. The organization has more than 2.5 million members and a staff of 700 scientists, economists, policy experts and other professionals globally. The website’s value lies in its peer-to-peer format, addressing the concerns and educational needs of experts in related fields around the world.
Organization: Aspen Global Change Institute
This nonprofit science and outreach project is supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and it functions as a project of the Aspen Global Change Institute, an organization that is “dedicated to furthering the scientific understanding of Earth systems and global environmental change.” The organization publicizes climate change research in a way that makes it more accessible to the public, supports scientists by honing their communication tactics and assists journalists by connecting them with relevant publications and experts. Its publications include reports, articles, videos and an array of additional resources.
Climate Desk is a journalistic collaboration that explores the multifaceted consequences of climate change. According to the site, media partners include The Atlantic, CityLab, Fusion, Grist, The Guardian, High Country News, The Huffington Post, Medium, Mother Jones, New Republic, Newsweek, Reveal, Slate and Wired. A collaborative model such as this aligns with current trends in the media and provides a particular advantage to readers: “More hands on deck and more outlets mean we can do more coverage, bringing our various strengths and audiences to bear.”
Climate for Health is a national initiative created by health leaders in collaboration with ecoAmerica. It is led by a diverse network of leaders from various health care organizations and sectors from around the country, including those involved in public health, clinical institutions and associations. With a commitment to “advancing climate solutions to protect the health and well-being of Americans,” the organization focuses on supporting other health care leaders with resources and inspiration to “work with their peers, patients, and policymakers for healthy people on a healthy planet.” The website provides news and other resources, offering a valuable opportunity for health care leaders to become better informed and involved in climate change efforts related to health.
Organization: Climate Interactive
Based in Washington, D.C., the team at Climate Interactive “helps people see what works to address climate change and related issues like energy, water, food and disaster risk reduction.” Offering “easy-to-use, tangible, scientifically grounded tools,” the organization says it helps people “see for themselves what options exist today to create the future they want to see” — making use of a variety of approaches, including system dynamics and organizational learning. With a focus on learning through experience, the Climate Interactive blog covers climate change topics with categories that include analysis, insights, media coverage, project news and more.
The Climate Reality Project Blog
Organization: The Climate Reality Project
Founded in 2006 by Nobel Laureate and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, The Climate Reality Project is “a diverse group of passionate individuals who have come together to solve the greatest challenge of our time.” Composed of cultural leaders, organizers, scientists and storytellers, the organization’s mission is “to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society.” The Climate Reality Project website includes news and stories about climate change with meaningful perspectives from pioneers in the field.
Development and a Changing Climate
Organization: World Bank
The World Bank is well-known globally as an organization dedicated to ending extreme poverty and promoting prosperity. Its site includes a variety of blogs, including Development and a Changing Climate. Reporting “from the frontlines of climate solutions,” the website is authored by an extensive list of environmental experts from around the world. Topics range from niche subjects like green economy to broader concerns like solar energy.
Organization: Greenpeace
Greenpeace touts itself as “a global, independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.” The Environmentalist website publishes breaking news about environmental issues as well as expert commentary by Greenpeace staff on various related topics. For readers interested in hearing from frontline environmental advocates — and perhaps even getting involved — this site may be a great place to get started.
Organization: Union of Concerned Scientists
As the parent organization for The Equation website, the Union of Concerned Scientists says that through the work of its scientists and engineers, the organization uses “rigorous, independent science to solve our planet’s most pressing problems.” In collaboration with the public, the organization combines technical analysis and effective advocacy to develop and implement practical solutions to environmental issues. The Equation site features articles on biofuel, energy, food and agriculture, all written by scientists.
Organization: Environmental Working Group (EWG)
The tagline for the EWG is “Know your environment. Protect your health.” Its parent organization, the Environmental Working Group, has a mission “to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. With breakthrough research and education, we drive consumer choice and civic action.” This nonpartisan organization provides cutting-edge research from a team of experts that influences the environmental health debate “to make sure someone is standing up for public health when government and industry won’t.” The site provides weekly news roundups that make this a good stop for those looking for digestible updates. Individual articles from a variety of experts are tagged with key issues, such as “toxics,” “lead” and “consumer products,” to help readers find what they’re looking for more quickly.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
An international body for assessing the science related to climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a means of providing policymakers with ongoing “assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation.” IPCC assessment reports, special reports and methodology reports are written by hundreds of volunteer scientists and other experts who are recruited to address specific topics. With a wealth of information available, the IPCC site is valuable for those seeking scientific insights into the current state of global climate change and policy implications. There are sections for media and journalists, as well as researchers and students — in addition to others specific to IPCC members.
Organization: National Resources Defense Council
Founded in 1970 by a group of law students and attorneys leading the environmental movement, the mission of the NRDC is “to safeguard the earth — its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.” Combining the efforts of more than two million members, online activists and some 500 experts in science, law and policy advocacy, the NRDC “advocates across the globe to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water and the wild.” With the ability to filter by issue, program and/or expert, the site offers easy access to specific environmental information provided by experts in the field. Issues include climate and clean air, energy and transportation, environmental justice and more.
Organization: Brookings Institution
Planet Policy is a website that explores “environment and natural resources policy — from climate change to energy to water, and from the local to the national to the global.” Its parent organization, the Brookings Institution, is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C. With a mission to “conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level,” it combines the efforts of more than 300 leading experts globally in both government and academia to provide “the highest quality research, policy recommendations and analysis on a full range of public policy issues.” Its independent scholars provide nonpartisan, objective and in-depth research that is not tied to a specific agenda. Readers seeking reputable, independent perspectives and expert analysis on issues related to climate change will want to bookmark this site. A variety of topics are included, trending with the most current news and events occurring around the world.
The RAND Blog: Global Climate Change
Organization: RAND Corporation
Made up of a diverse staff of experts from more than 350 distinct academic disciplines and fields of study, the RAND Corporation is well-known as a research organization focused on developing “solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous.” As a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, RAND emphasizes its strong commitment to the public interest with unrestricted and free peer-reviewed research reports available for download from anywhere in the world. RAND’s Global Climate Change blog includes news, analysis and commentary from RAND scientists.
Science News Earth & Climate Section
Organization: Society for Science & the Public
Published since 1922 by the Society for Science & the Public, the print version of Science News is offered on a biweekly basis, with continuous updates online. The publication’s mission is to “provide independent, unbiased coverage of science and give people the tools to evaluate the news and the world around them.” With a target audience of “professionals, scientists and other science enthusiasts,” it is written by a staff of experienced science journalists. The Earth & Climate section covers environmental topics such as climate, agriculture, ecosystems and more.
Organization: Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ)
Founded in 1990 by a small group of award-winning journalists, the mission of the Society of Environmental Journalists is “to strengthen the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media to advance public understanding of environmental issues.” SEJ’s membership includes more than 1,200 journalists and academics throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and 27 other countries. The organization provides “educational opportunities and vital support to journalists of all media who face the challenging responsibility of covering complex environmental issues.” EJToday, which is updated daily, comprises a diverse selection of essential environmental stories. In addition to high-quality reporting of current news related to the environment, this site provides resources and tools useful to journalists covering these topics.
Smithsonian Magazine’s Climate Change Section
Organization: The Smithsonian
Smithsonian magazine and Smithsonian.com share content based on the topics and subject matters researched, studied and exhibited by the Smithsonian Institution, such as science, history, art, popular culture and innovation. The climate change section of the Smithsonian magazine website includes content focused on the science behind climate change and highlights research from scientists on environmental issues, wildlife and more.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is concerned with international public health. This includes the challenges of climate change and the ways it affects the livelihood and physical health of individuals in different communities across the world. The climate change section of the organization’s website includes fact sheets, data, guidelines and information on what WHO is doing to address important issues related to the effects of climate change.
WWF Climate and Energy Section
Organization: World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
WWF has a mission “to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.” Climate and energy are a major focus within the WWF’s six global goals, and the organization works with stakeholders around the world “to create real solutions for people and the planet.” The value of the Climate and Energy section of the website is in the variety of topics covered, including success stories, fact sheets and resources for journalists.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
WMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) and serves as its authoritative voice on “the state and behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere, its interaction with the land and oceans, the weather and climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.” The organization provides a framework for international collaboration regarding these issues and facilitates “free and unrestricted exchange of data and information, products and services in real- or near-real time on matters relating to safety and security of society, economic welfare and the protection of the environment.” Its site offers a wealth of information that includes the WMO Bulletin; policy documents/standards; Meteoterm, a multilingual WMO terminology database; MeteoWorld, a monthly newsletter; and articles by WMO experts. The WMO e-library is a rich resource of WMO books, manuals, reports, working papers, periodicals, journals, newsletters, outreach publications and more.
Citation for this content: MPH@GW, the George Washington University online Master of Public Health program