Experts anticipate that by 2050 the senior population in the United States will be 135 percent higher than it was in the year 2000. In response to such significant growth, new industries must be created to address the needs of seniors.
To address the significant public health threat posed by sports-related concussions in children, all 50 states and the District of Columbia passed so-called "return-to-play" legislation between 2009 and 2014. Some are less effective than others, however, when it comes to protecting young athletes.
Can a city help improve your health outcomes? Can a hospital make you sick? The #SpacesOfHealth campaign, brought to you by the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, seeks to answer these and similar questions in a series of live webinars around the relationship between environment and health.
Dr. Monique Turner, a social marketing and public health communication faculty member at GW, addressed the impact of effective communication on adult immunization at the Adult Immunization Summit at Princeton University last November.
When applying to a Master of Public Health (MPH) graduate program, letters of recommendation are an essential element of the application process. Almost every graduate school application requires at least one. Read more for tips on how and who to ask for a letter of recommendation.
Misinformation about Ebola heightened anxiety among news media consumers, but much of it failed to improve understanding. Here, we've rounded up coverage of the epidemic that provided more useful insight into various aspects of the crisis.
Emergency rooms in Washington, D.C. regularly receive high national rankings, but they have some of the longest emergency room wait times and highest admission rates in the nation. The Kaiser …
Health care costs have increased three times faster than wages over the past decade. Just like any marketplace, prices for medical procedures, equipment and treatments vary dramatically among providers. An …
What are the key health concerns of our nation’s capital? And what specific measures are public health professionals taking to address them? The faculty of the Milken Institute School of …
Many students pursue a Master of Public Health (MPH) because they want to make a difference in people’s lives and improve the health of communities across the globe. An MPH …