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Online Public Health / Health Administration Resources
October 22, 2017
Since Senator Bernie Sanders proposed his plan for Medicare for All in mid-September, more than 16 Democrat senators have voiced their support for a single-payer system. Professor Sara Rosenbaum discusses what “single-payer” actually means, and the questions we should be asking about it.
May 2, 2017
Like many public health professionals, you may be motivated to maximize your potential by earning a master’s degree in public health, but financial considerations may be a deterrent. One possible solution is to ask your current employer for assistance with school expenses. While this may seem intimidating, it is actually a viable option that benefits both potential GW Public Health Online students and their employers. Benefits for Your Company Employee turnover is costly. Interviewing, hiring and training new employees is time consuming and puts a strain on company resources. It makes much more sense — from both financial and human resources perspectives — to […]
April 4, 2017
In the 2016 presidential and congressional elections, Democrats and Republicans alike campaigned on the Affordable Care Act — either to protect it or repeal and replace it with a more effective solution. Indeed, the law has prompted heated debate among elected leaders who disagree about the best ways to improve Americans’ health care access, delivery and affordability. So what’s next for the ACA?
January 31, 2017
The need for effective health communication is growing. Today, both public and private institutions are using the internet and other technologies to speed the delivery of health information. However, for people with limited reading or technical skills, this can pose a challenge. That’s why it’s so important for public health professionals to become well versed in the creation and delivery of consumer health communications
January 11, 2017
During the past five years, the demand for health care consultants has increased because of the growing complexities in health care and the need for specialty services to address them. To help you determine whether this path is right for you, MHA@GW has created the Guide to Careers in Health Care Consulting.
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